Saturday, July 14, 2012

To Publish or Present?

I am somewhat disappointed that most conferences that would apply to my interests and information have come and gone. I had originally thought I would enjoy doing a presentation of my project, but the timing is just off.  Since we are mid year, it is also premature to apply to present at most 2013 conferences.  I will resort to publication!

The first option for publication would be Science Scope.  It is a magazine that I receive and actually read, tear pages out of, and file with my curricular materials for future reference.  I think the information I've gathered from my Action research project could be valuable for other middle school teachers who are also involved in the AVID program.  

My second option, also for publication, would be Tech Trends.  This is a publication for educators, and contains articles about best practice as it pertains to technology.  Since my AR project involved using Google Documents and laptops, my data may be valuable to other middle school teachers looking for ways to reach their  ELL students.

1 comment:

  1. Good choices and good luck. Prepping a great article might provide the avenue to presenting at the conferences you want to in the future.
