Tuesday, November 22, 2011

BPI-Welcome to my blog!

The Survivor!

When I look at this Blue Agave Cactus, I see a survivor.  It came, as a 4 inch tall plant, from a neighbor who was "weeding" it from his garden.  My husband brought it home, we planted it about a year ago, and now it's nearly 2 feet tall, sprouting babies of it's own.

How does this relate to me?  I want to be like the Agave!  I want to grow as I journey through my Master's program at Full Sail University.  I am challenged and excited by the new learning I am experiencing, even though it may often take me a few attempts to get it right.  I want to be able to say to my children and students, "Look at what I've been able to accomplish!"

In this program, I am being challenged to step outside of my comfort zone and explore my unexplored learning styles.  This blog is an example of that.  I have never willingly read any blogs, and certainly didn't think I'd be creating one!  Other challenges have included working in groups to accomplish tasks - yes, I am one of those people who prefers to work independently, but have actually enjoyed the collaboration, feedback, and support of my peers. 


  1. Paula,
    I respect your candor and your commitment to reaching new levels of education and expanding your comfort zone. That takes courage and I think you are already becoming that Agave :) Enjoy every step I look forward to sharing it with you.

  2. Beautiful site. The blue color was very calming. Nice work and I loved the Agave comparison.
